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Play Radikal Soft Tip Darts At Spectators Now!

Spectators Sports Bar and Grill has 2 Radikal Soft Tip Dart Stations.

We now have the Radikal Soft Tip dart boards for you entertainment. Come in to play for fun or join our Dart League.

Call Ben Smith, Black Dog Darts, about our League Nights starting in September. (505) 971-5279.

View some of the games offered on the Dart System Console.



The aim of the game is to close all numbers with as many or more points than the opposition. If someone closes all their targets first, but has less points, he/she will have to catch up in points. The game will be won once the opponent’s points have been equaled or surpassed.

The targets on the dartboard are from 15 to 20 and the Bull. In order to close them, the numbers have to be hit at least three times. A triple counts as three hits, a double counts as two and all other areas in that target are counted as one hit. The double Bull counts as two hits.

When a target is closed, the opponent can no longer score on it, but the person having targets closed can score on those open targets from the opponent.

Score difference 200: When this option is selected, the maximum score difference between players cannot be greater than 200 points.

Cricket Cutthroat

This game is a variation of the Cricket.

The aim of the game is to close all numbers with the least amount of points. When a player closes a target and begins scoring on it, points are being added to all opponents with the same target open.

Cricket Lowball

This game is a variation of the Cricket.
The played numbers in this case are from 1 to 6 and the Bull.
Score difference 20: When this option is selected, the maximum score difference between players cannot be greater than 20 points.

Cricket Wild Card

This game is a variation of the Cricket.
The aim of the game is to close all numbers with as many or more points than the opposition.
The played numbers in this case are the Bull and 6 randomly generated targets from 7 to 20.
After every turn all numbers which are not closed will randomly change. To close a target, the number has to be hit three times.


The aim of the game is to reach the highest score. Starting with 1 up to 20 and finally the Bull, the player has to score each of the numbers. There is a maximum of 7 rounds.

If a player hits a Shanghai wins automatically. To hit a Shanghai, the player must hit three consecutive numbers with different levels (1 single, 1 double and 1 triple) in any order within the same turn.

Tic Tac Toe

The aim of the game is to get a Tic Tac Toe, just like the regular game, by hitting 3 cells in one line (any direction).

To close a number, four hits to it must be scored.

Doubles & Triples count as two or three hits respectively.

X01: 301, 501, 701 or 901

The aim of the game is to reach 0 points exactly. Players start with 301, 501, 701 or 901 points depending on the variation selected. If a player scores more than the total required to reach zero, the player busts and the score goes back to previous round score.

There are some variations:

X01 Double In / Out

This game is the same as X01 except that the first and last dart must hit a Double

X01 Masters In / Out

This game is the same as X01 except that the first and last dart must hit either a Double, Triple or a Bull.

X01 Double Out

This game is the same as X01 except that the last dart must hit a Double

X01 Masters Out

This games is the same as X01 except that the last dart must hit either a Double, Triple or a Bull.

X01 Open

This game is the variation of X01 where any segment of the dartboard can be hit to start and finish the game.

X01 Team

This game is the same as X01 but played with teams.
The aim of the game is to reach zero being the combined score of the team lower than the opponent’s team one. The combined scored of the team is the result of the addition of the individual player points.

A player is frozen when his score is 1 point (2 points in Double Out or Master Out) and his partner’s score is higher than the combined score of the opponent team.

Burma Road

The aim of the game is to reach the highest score. Players, starting with 40 points, have to throw darts to the designated target in each round. Beginning with 15, followed by 16, double (any), 17, 18, triple (any), 19, 20 and Bull.
If the designated target is not hit at least once in a round, the player’s score will be halved (rounding up).

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